Omaha Media Group


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Omaha Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new O'Maras website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.
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Omaha Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new GTA Guns & Gear Auctions, Inc. website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.
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Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016

Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016
Mobile devices without a doubt, have changed our daily lives. We can do everything under the sun without ever getting up from the couch. Email, text, take photographs, get real-time directions, educate ourselves…everything. So what are the newest trends that we’ll start seeing through our mobile devices in 2016? Let’s dive in.
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Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!

Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!
Redesigning your website is not just an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the visual elements of your website will likely get the most attention, but remember a great website design also requires you consider and improve what is under the hood. A flashy exterior does not help much if the machine fails to function. If people cannot find your site and intuitively navigate through the pages it does not really matter how beautiful it looks. When it comes to website redesign, form and function need to be a package deal. Let’s discuss the major SEO mistakes to avoid during your next website redesign.
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Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015
Thanksgiving 2015 - On this Thanksgiving day our hearts are full with thanks for all of our customers. We'd like to take a moment and express our gratitude and thank you for being a loyal customer. All of us at OMG are honored to have served you this past year and we wish you and your families the best and happiest Thanksgiving!
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Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?

Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?
Does your website have what it takes to survive Black Friday? While the scale of opportunity presented by Black Friday is no joke, many businesses -- specifically ecommerce -- fail to adequately prepare their websites for this uptick in traffic. So with the shopping holiday quickly approaching, we've put together a few last-minute tips to ensure your website is ready to handle the influx of traffic and potential sales.
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Thanksgiving Holiday Operation Hours

Thanksgiving Holiday Operation Hours
On this Thanksgiving day our hearts are full with thanks for all of our customers. All of us at OMG are honored to have served you this past year and we wish you and your families the best and happiest Thanksgiving! Here is our Thanksgiving Day Holiday Schedule.
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Victory Fight Championship partners with UFC to stream fights

Victory Fight Championship partners with UFC to stream fights
Omaha-based and our Monster Family Member Victory Fighting Championship announced a distribution deal Thursday with the top mixed martial arts organization in the world, a partnership set to begin early next year.
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Is SEO Dead? Exploring Search Engine Optimization

Is SEO Dead? Exploring Search Engine Optimization
SEO is a widely discussed and sometime thought as a trivial part of having a website. So with all of the information, misinformation, and wrong information that exists is SEO even worth it? Is SEO Dead? SEO is absolutely not dead, here's why..
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Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day
With our hearts filled with gratitude and eyes filled with tears, we thank all you brave men and women who sacrificed so much, so that we could have a better life and a country to call home. Thank you so much. From all of us at Omaha Media Group we wish you a very Happy Veteran's day. #veteransday #omahamediagroup #thankful
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